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How to make a request with the Rancher2 Terraform Provider

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Sometimes it is necessary to create a basic skeleton for beginning a task, like using the Rancher2 Terraform Provider to speak with the Rancher API.

This represents a starting point to achieve a simple read-only task: "query the cluster information for the local Rancher cluster".


Terraform commands are very easy, below are the main options one may typically use.

  • terraform init -- download needed files like the rancher2 terraform provider
  • terraform plan -- compare the environment to the state file, plan is like a diff of any changes to be made
  • terraform apply -- apply the planned changes
  • terraform refresh -- update the state to match remote systems
  • terraform output -- show output values from the plan
  • terraform destroy -- clean up anything created by terraform
  • terraform fmt -- spacing is important in HCL, terraform's language, use this command to format all spacing in the current working directory

To get started, create a directory to hold all of the files. Terraform will examine the local file or files, and then populate a local terraform.tfstate data file which represents the most recent refresh of the information from the Rancher API.  The files below can be separate or all together in a file.  Separating plan files into individual pieces can make managing a larger project easier.

Terraform will take actions required using variables supplied by the user or admin, or computed during the "apply" operation.  As a typical rule of thumb for any provider, "data" sources are read operations while "resource" operations are write/create/change.

Upon running "terraform apply" with the file below, terraform will contact the Rancher API, authenticate, request the cluster_info for the local Rancher cluster with ID "local" and store it into the terraform statefile, as well as output the cluster labels to the screen.  The comments explain a potential name for each file, the only requirement that it ends with the file suffix ".tf".

### or

#  these outline the url speaking to, and the authorization token

variable "api_url" {
  description = "rancher api url"
  default     = ""

variable "token_key" {
  description = "api key to use for tf"
  default     = "token-nameid:jwt-long-hash-string"


# use the variables from the earlier section to define the provider

provider "rancher2" {
  api_url   = var.api_url
  token_key = var.token_key
  insecure  = true


# tell terraform what versions of providers and terraform itself, to expect

terraform {
  required_providers {
    rancher2 = {
      source  = "rancher/rancher2"
      version = ">= 6.0.0"
  required_version = ">= 1.5.7"


## hard-coded example, read cluster info for local

data "rancher2_cluster" "local" {
  name = "local"

output "cluster_labels" {
  value     = data.rancher2_cluster.local.labels


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