Firewalld block rancher cluster dns: Weave CNI does not work with Firewalld on RHEL 8 based OSs
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Firewalld service block Rancher cluster DNS on Rhel8.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Install and setup RKE on RHEL 8
2. CoreDNS is deployed as part of the RKE setup
3. Start firewalld service on RHEL8 nodes.
After starting firewalld service, k8s pod logs return connection error:
ent-041273.voicelab.local. A: read udp> i/o timeout --------------
The Internal Kubernetes DNS server (coredns) is blocked. Once firewalld is stopped, the Kubernetes DNS works well.
Firewalld block these ports that are required:
- 2379-2380/tcp
- 4789/udp
- 5000/tcp
- 6443/tcp
- 6783/tcp
- 6783-6784/udp
- 9100/tcp
- 10250/tcp
- 10257/tcp
- 10259/tcp
Stop firewalld on RHEL8 nodes, it is a requirement as described in Rancher requirements.
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