Downstream clusters flapping between available and unavailable state
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Rancher version: v2.5.6
Management cluster K8S version: 1.21.5
After upgrading the Kubernetes version of the Rancher management cluster, the downstream cluster status in the WebUI flaps between the available and unavailable states.
Rancher Pod logs show errors like the below;
Failed to connect to peer wss://x.x.x.x/v3/connect [local ID=y.y.y.y]: websocket: bad handshake
Upgrade Rancher to v2.6.x
A workaround until Rancher upgarde is to reduce the Rancher deployment replicas to one.
Rancher is storing the service account token from the initial Pod, and then trying to reuse that on subsequent requests even though that pod has been deleted.
As of Kubernetes version v1.21, service account tokens are pod-specific, and are invalidated when the pod is deleted, which is why Rancher is unable to use it and thus unable to reach other Rancher replica instances via web-socket.
Additional Information
The issue is tracked in the GitHub issue 26082
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