The Rancher v2.x systems summary script
This document (000020192) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.
A Rancher v2.x instance
Understanding your cluster/node distribution on an on-going basis assists Rancher in sending you any prescriptive advisories related to scale and performance.
System information can be collected from a Rancher v2.x server node using the Rancher v2.x systems summary script v2.
The pod can be deployed from a host with a valid kubeconfig pointing to the local cluster (Kubernetes cluster hosting Rancher). You can deploy the pod and get the output by running the following commands:
# Deploy the pod in the cluster
kubectl apply -f
# Wait for the pod to reach Succeeded status
while [[ $(kubectl get pod rancher-systems-summary-pod -n cattle-system -o 'jsonpath={..status.phase}') != "Succeeded" ]]; do
echo "Waiting for rancher-systems-summary-pod to complete..."
sleep 5
# Grab the logs from the pod
kubectl logs pod/rancher-systems-summary-pod -n cattle-system
# Clean up the pod
kubectl delete pod/rancher-systems-summary-pod -n cattle-system
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