Preventing LoadBalancer service traffic from flowing through control plane and etcd nodes in a Kubernetes cluster with the AWS Cloud Provider
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- A Rancher Kubernetes Engine (RKE) CLI or Rancher v2.x provisioned Kubernetes cluster, provisioned on EC2 instances
- Separate worker nodes from control plane and etcd nodes
- The AWS Cloud Provider configured
This article details how to prevent LoadBalancer type service traffic from flowing through control plane and etcd nodes, in a cluster configured with the AWS Cloud Provider.
Nodes of a Kubernetes cluster created by Rancher/RKE, that use AWS as the cloud provider, automatically get added to service load balancers (ELB). The behavior results in both controlplane and etcd nodes routing end-user application traffic, breaking the role separations model. To prevent this, label the control plane and etcd nodes with the label
and the cloud-controller will not automatically add them to the service load balancers.
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